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In 1995 the College Council recommended to the membership formation of a foundation for the College. The members at the July 1995 session approved the recommendation.

Visions for the College Foundation

  • Fund educational programs to inform the public and the dental profession on the benefits of ABO Certification.
  • Fund research for orthodontists that can be presented and debated during the Scientific Sessions of the College by its members.
  • Fund Continuing Education programs that are unique and not currently available that will be limited to ABO Certified orthodontists.
  • Provide financial support for programs and initiatives implemented by the College.
  • Underwrite publication expenses of articles related to the College and/or the College Foundation that are published in the AJO/DO.
  • Help fund the College Web site.
  • Help fund research projects with the AAOF when CDABOF funds are available.

The College of Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontics Foundation is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service to be a 501 (c)(3) organization. Donations to the College Foundation are tax deductible.

The Foundation has a number of projects that publicize the College and supports some of the activities of the College. Donations can be made to honor the memory of friends and family that are deceased.

Donations that serve as a memorial will be acknowledged by the CDABOF office with a letter to the survivors if a name/address is provided.

For information regarding the purposes and activities of the College Foundation, please email Various levels of donations are identified with the goal to have donors obtain the highest level: “A Step Beyond”.

If you wish to make a donation, please mail a check to the College office while we continue to onboard our new membership database.

College of Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontics

1718 Church Street #331461
Nashville, TN 37203


Dr. Eric Dellinger
Dr. Bruce Goldstein
Dr. Michael Guess
Dr. Ken Hrechka
Dr. Rodney D Hyduk
Dr. Ashok Kothari
Dr. Paul Miller
Dr. Robert B. Moss, Jr.
Dr. Terry Sobler